LIP (Live in Private)
The following templates are designed to assist you with and or without knowledge, how to action your position as the Agent for the Beneficiary who lives In Private, and can not speak, hear or write directly to the Corporation, Trustee or Person, all fictional entities.
These letters are to be used as Rebuttal to the Senders Fraudulent Notices, Letters, demands etc. freeing yourself from the corporate Government agencies controlling Australia and exploiting you
DISCLAIMER: The following is for educational purposes only and at no time should be construed as legal advice. This is for test & measure challenges against the corrupt we live in today. VOID AB INITIO.
Bills of Exchange – Your Financial Power
Find the section about the Bill of Exchange as here.
Latest Additions to the Website
BoE cannot be used to buy an item, only to discharge pre-existing debts
A Bill of Exchange (BOE) cannot be used to buy an item (car, house, stereo system, big screen TV, etc.). A BOE can only be used to discharge pre-existing debts. At this point, we believe that some sort of “loan” would have to exist or credit used to purchase the...
A Surname is an assumed Name
A justice Magistrate said last week that the surname was an assumed name and that we assume it from our father, I said, is there anywhere on the CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH where I have assumed the surname, he said no but that's what we do! … I said, did I assume it and...
Form 206 – Evidence of Life
Form 206, often referred to as "Evidence of Life" or a "Declaration of Person Entitled to Payment," is a legal document used in court or administrative proceedings, particularly relating to estates, trusts, or similar matters. The details can vary depending on the...
Promissory Notes
Notice of Tendered Settlement
After you have sent the Promissory Note and the settlement date has passed, the Recipient of the Promissory Note did not attended the settlement, ideally the day after settlement date this notice should be posted to them. If they respond prior to the settlement date...
Promissory Notes – Why $30 is all you donate
Why $30 is all you donateHow does it work? The Promissory Note can be forwarded to your creditor in anticipation of settlement and is a method of discharging and or settling debts in commerce.Is this for Australians only? The Bills of Exchange United Kingdom allows...
Significant Australian Case Law Precedents on Promissory Notes and Tendered Settlement
Here are twenty notable cases in Australia where the use of a promissory note, along with a notice of tendered settlement, was recognized as a legitimate means to discharge debt, along with the reasons for their significance: 1. Re: A Promissory Note (1905)...
The UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) and Bill of Exchange
Police Interference
Restraining Orders
Violence restraining orders information Restraining orders court procedure Restraining order rules
Servicing a police officer for trespass (taking RRdJ number plates)
If you are a Royal Registry Member and have your car registered with RRdJ, and you find yourself in the situation where a police officer has removed your number plates, please use the following form to issue a letter to the officer. This letter requests the immediate...
Stopped by Police
If stopped.... and they ask for name, make sure they id themselves first. Full name, rank, dept, physical address of work place to send a tort suit. Then provide them your as first family of surname. If they call you Mr, Mrs, Miss correct them, that isn't your name...
A Dance of Shadows and Light
By Michael Rolf, of the house Schulze In realms where echoes blend and blur,A living soul walks with the stir,Of breath, of heart, of dreams unfurled,A vibrant thread within the world. Yet, in the corners still and cold,Dwells legal fiction, stiff and old,An abstract...
A Surname is an assumed Name
A justice Magistrate said last week that the surname was an assumed name and that we assume it from our father, I said, is there anywhere on the CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH where I have assumed the surname, he said no but that's what we do! … I said, did I assume it and can...
A talk with Michael about the Royal Registry de Jure
A4 Page of Labels: No Contract Full Version
Quickly respond to letters received from GovCorp utilising these labels.
A4 Page of Labels: Unclaimed Postal Article
Quickly respond to letters received from GovCorp utilising these labels.
Abatement Corporations: Decline Offers to contract – The full series of letters incl. fee schedule
ABATEMENT NOTICE FOR CORPORATIONS USING THE QUANTUM SERIES OF NOTICES STRATEGY Instructions: Same Notice, Different Headings: Each notice follows the same format but with different headings. Repeat 3 Times: The notice is repeated three times until the corporation...
Abatement Prosecution: Decline Offers to contract – Incl. fee schedule
Form for the process of refusing any offers to enter into a contract, especially when such offers are unwanted or come with legal or financial implications. This process includes a fee schedule that outlines the costs associated with managing and responding to such...
Admin code inserted into letter
Affidavit of Repudiation
Australian case law precedents demonstrating dishonourable conduct of local councils regarding the non-acceptance of bills of exchange
Here are Australian case law precedents that demonstrate dishonorable conduct of local councils regarding the non-acceptance of bills of exchange and rejections of bills of exchange indorsements, along with the case references: 1. Marriott v. City of South Perth (No...
Failure to Settle & Contract Violation
Abatement Corporations: Decline Offers to contract – The full series of letters incl. fee schedule
ABATEMENT NOTICE FOR CORPORATIONS USING THE QUANTUM SERIES OF NOTICES STRATEGY Instructions: Same Notice, Different Headings: Each notice follows the same format but with different headings. Repeat 3 Times: The notice is repeated three times until the corporation...
Abatement Prosecution: Decline Offers to contract – Incl. fee schedule
Form for the process of refusing any offers to enter into a contract, especially when such offers are unwanted or come with legal or financial implications. This process includes a fee schedule that outlines the costs associated with managing and responding to such...
Challenge Judicial Authority – Who is the addressee being billed
The “Challenge Judicial Authority” form is designed to clarify and document the specific individual or entity being billed in legal proceedings, particularly in instances where the service provider is addressing a straw man. This challenge formally requests the addressee to provide proof of authority regarding claims made, especially concerning the enforcement of capital punishment for non-payment of an alleged debt.
Council Rate Challenge – Who is the addressee being billed
The “Challenge Judicial Authority” form is used to question the legitimacy of claims made by entities like councils regarding billing for rates or fees. This challenge seeks to clarify who is being billed and demands evidence of authority to impose such charges. It ensures that the addressee can validate their claims and that all financial obligations are enforced within the bounds of legal authority.
Fee Schedule
Fee Schedule - This Notice / Affidavit is free. This Prima Facie notice/evidence is free, and further correspondence from Corporate Government Employees/Agents, demanding money with menace and threat with enforcement will attract Fees/Charges/Invoice for the...
LIP Rejection – Universal Notice to Evil Doers
NEW TEMPLATE for the Warrior in you. If you couldn't be bothered with the pesty/annoying series of Reply/Rebut Notices GOVCORP persists with, use this Template. This is to set them up for a Trespass Civil Claim for Damages. This is your first and only warning to them....
Notice of Failure to Honour Bill of Exchange
Use this form whenever you need to point out they are not honouring their Fiduciary Duties. It is a universal rebuttal notice so can be used multiple times as an answer to GOVCORP pushback correspondences. The GOVCORP letters received, you mark with a big Z to cancel...
Court Matters
Form 206 – Evidence of Life
Form 206, often referred to as "Evidence of Life" or a "Declaration of Person Entitled to Payment," is a legal document used in court or administrative proceedings, particularly relating to estates, trusts, or similar matters. The details can vary depending on the...
Notice of Pending Law Suit
Use this letter if the GovCorp is still persisiting with pushback (not excepting your Bill of Exchange). Be ready to take the step of making a statement of claim, tort suit, civil claim for damages under trespass common law in the supreme court. How to use this form...
Notice of Special Appearance by Affidavit
When your FICTIONAL NAME has been summoned to appear in a non-judicial administrative setting, print out the necessary documents and sign them in the presence of a Justice of the Peace (JP). Afterwards, file these documents with the court at least seven days before...
Unmasking DOG-LATIN – The Deceptive Language
DOG-LATIN, often dismissed as a mere linguistic game, reveals itself as a deceptive language with hidden complexity upon closer examination. Initially perceived as a simple rearrangement of English words, DOG-LATIN cunningly disguises its true nature through systematic alterations. By shifting syllables and adding suffixes, it crafts a facade of familiarity while obscuring comprehension for the uninitiated. However, beneath its playful exterior lies a nuanced structure, offering insight into linguistic manipulation and the power of perception. Unmasking DOG-LATIN unveils not only its linguistic intricacies but also the broader implications of deception within communication.
Unsigned letters won’t hold up in court
Unsigned letters etc wont hold in court, the letter is VOID AB INITIO. I used to spend hours rebutting those letters, now i don't bother. You have to reply but this is what I do if you are game... 1. Big Z the whole page keeping the very top and bottom print cut...
Real Estate Land Properties
Banks Can’t Own Property
Banks Can t Own PropertyDownload
CONVEYANCING ACT 1919 – SECT 102 – On judgment for mortgage debt the interest of the mortgagor not seizable
CONVEYANCING ACT 1919 - SECT 102Download
CONVEYANCING ACT 1919 – SECT 12 – Assignments of debts and choses in action
CONVEYANCING ACT 1919 – SECT 38 – Signature and attestation
Council Rate Challenge – Who is the addressee being billed
The “Challenge Judicial Authority” form is used to question the legitimacy of claims made by entities like councils regarding billing for rates or fees. This challenge seeks to clarify who is being billed and demands evidence of authority to impose such charges. It ensures that the addressee can validate their claims and that all financial obligations are enforced within the bounds of legal authority.
IMPERIALACTS APPLICATION ACT 1969 – SECT 38Property–determination of a life or lives
Liabilities are not assignable
Liabilities are not assignableDownload
PROPERTY LAW ACT 1958 – SECT 18 – ALand may be assured in fee simple
PROPERTY LAW ACT 1958 - SECT 18ADownload
PROPERTY LAW ACT 1974 – SECT 26 – Recovery of property on determination of a life or lives
PROPERTY LAW ACT 1974 - SECT 26Download
Bill of Exchange (BoE)
This is a very courteous process designed to educate them. It might take a moment to achieve success. Please hang in there and follow the suggested steps for the best outcome and educate yourself by reading the PDF about notices
A Bill of Exchange operates similarly to a cheque, serving as a means to discharge a debt without the need for further explanation. If the recipient fails to accept it, they may need to provide justification in court.
However, sending a promissory note, Bill of Exchange, or cheque doesn’t guarantee compliance from the other party; it merely serves as evidence of an attempt to settle the debt in the event of legal action.
It’s important to note that fines are typically issued to corporate entities, not individuals registered by Royal Registry. Thus, living persons registered in such a manner will not receive fines.
Freedom of Information, Australian Government – Attorney-General’s Department confirms: There are no documents that exempt government departments, government corporations and government funded corporations from complying with the Bills of Exchange Act 1909, which is why the department holds no such documents.
All the Bill of Exchange forms have been updated to accomodate members and non-members of the Royal Registry de Jure.
Bill of Exchange – Rebuttal Questions
Below is a list of rebuttal questions tailored to challenge the claims made by corporations in relation to the Bill of Exchange Act 1909 (Cth) and related statements. These questions aim to create an environment for constructive discussion about the legitimacy of the...
BoE Acceptance Cover Letter 1 – Authority to Process Bill of Exchange
BoE Acceptance Cover Letter 1 – No Bill to Return to Sender
BoE Future Express Trust Contract Offers (For RRdJ Members)
This is an Express Trust Contract Offer to discharge the positive due amount as shown. You direct them to settle and discharge all due amounts by accepting the endorsed Bill of Exchange Endorsement, delivered and Accepted as per Terms & Conditions of Bills of...
BoE Rejection – Who is the addressee being billed
BoE Rejection Letter 2 – Notice of Default & Opportunity to Cure
Use this Letter as step two after you have sent a Cover Letter / conditional acceptance. The purpose of this notice is to ensure that the biller has not performed their fiduciary duties accordingly.How to use this form Kindly complete the form below, adhering closely...
BoE Rejection Letter 3 – Notice of Default in Dishonour and Estoppel
BoE Rejection Letter 4 – Notice of Pending Law Suit
Use this letter if the previous 3 letters did not have an effect and GovCorp is still persisiting with pushback (not accepting your Bill of Exchange). Be ready to take the step of making a statement of claim, tort suit, civil claim for damages under trespass common...
BoE Rejection Letter 6 – Rejection Letter to Biller
This letter appears to serve as a formal rejection and notice of non-acceptance of a financial bill or demand issued by a third party. It asserts the sender's rights and positions under various legal frameworks, including trust law and fiduciary duties. The letter's...
Commonwealth Consolidated Acts
Find additional information here that supports all the information utilised in our forms:Bill of exchange defined A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom...
Cover Page for Bill of Exchange
Great sections for rebuttal replies to Billers who deny acceptance of BoE & PN
Below are various sections you can utilise to respond to Billers who are hesitant to accept your BoE and PN. You will find the original on the Commonwealth Consolidate Acts - Bills of Exchange Acts 1909. Please also keep an eye on the Notice Process and make sure you...
Instructions for Bill of Exchange Remittance Series of Reply Letters
Instructions These Templates are designed to assist you with and or without knowledge, how to action your position as the Agent for the Beneficiary who live In Private, and can not speak, hear or write directly to the Corporation, Trustee or Person, all fictional...
Notice of Non-Discharge of Accepted Bill of Exchange
BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT 1909 - SECT 92 Note payable on demand Where a note payable on demand has been indorsed, it must be presented for payment within a reasonable time of the indorsement. If it be not so presented the indorser is discharged. In determining what is a...
Rebuttal of rejected BoE using Act References
Use this letter if you have been unsuccessful with your BoEs to remind them of their fiduciary repsonabilities and ask specific questions to trigger them to act in their fiduciary duties. Ask for information that you need to hand this to the litigation department.How...
Refusal to Discharge Debt with Bill of Exchange
BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT 1909 - SECT 47 Non - acceptance When a bill is duly presented for acceptance and is not accepted within the customary time, the person presenting it must treat it as dishonoured by non - acceptance. If the person does not, the holder shall lose...
The 3 step notices
Educate yourself with the help of this excellent manual written by Brad Tipton, called "How-to-use-QUANTUM-GRAMMAR-to-remove-ANY-Debt"
The UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) and Bill of Exchange
Change Legal Status
Changed Legal Status Letter
Unmasking DOG-LATIN – The Deceptive Language
DOG-LATIN, often dismissed as a mere linguistic game, reveals itself as a deceptive language with hidden complexity upon closer examination. Initially perceived as a simple rearrangement of English words, DOG-LATIN cunningly disguises its true nature through systematic alterations. By shifting syllables and adding suffixes, it crafts a facade of familiarity while obscuring comprehension for the uninitiated. However, beneath its playful exterior lies a nuanced structure, offering insight into linguistic manipulation and the power of perception. Unmasking DOG-LATIN unveils not only its linguistic intricacies but also the broader implications of deception within communication.
Jurisdiction Challenges
BoE Rejection – Who is the addressee being billed
Challenge Judicial Authority – Who is the addressee being billed
The “Challenge Judicial Authority” form is designed to clarify and document the specific individual or entity being billed in legal proceedings, particularly in instances where the service provider is addressing a straw man. This challenge formally requests the addressee to provide proof of authority regarding claims made, especially concerning the enforcement of capital punishment for non-payment of an alleged debt.
Council Rate Challenge – Who is the addressee being billed
The “Challenge Judicial Authority” form is used to question the legitimacy of claims made by entities like councils regarding billing for rates or fees. This challenge seeks to clarify who is being billed and demands evidence of authority to impose such charges. It ensures that the addressee can validate their claims and that all financial obligations are enforced within the bounds of legal authority.
Printable Labels
A4 Page of Labels: No Contract Full Version
Quickly respond to letters received from GovCorp utilising these labels.
A4 Page of Labels: Unclaimed Postal Article
Quickly respond to letters received from GovCorp utilising these labels.