Useful Information

Informative Videos & Information

Disclaimer: Nothing in this video, or any on LIP, should be regarded as advise. Please consult a scholarly expert of mainstream academia for the accepted ideas you should be thinking and believing.

Webinars with Michael-Rolf

The promissory note you sign has the same value as CASH

Dealing with fines – Returning the demand – Webinar 13th June 2024

Mike and Michael on Cop Stops – Webinar 28th May 2024

Michael and Mike discuss Law vs Lore – Webinar 14th April 2024

Mike & Michael discuss the steps to use Bills of Exchange – Webinar 18th Feb 2024

Michael Rolf has quickly gained a reputation for helping people fight back against the rapacious demands being made by GovCorp. They discuss the steps to settling any debt with a Bill of Exchange.

Royal Registry de jure

Looking for a steward to process your Royal Registry application?

My name is :Petra: Steward of the Royal Registry de Jure and I can conduct the interview with you to become registered. Contact me for further information and what you need for it.

BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT 1909 – SECT 50 – Rules as to presentment for payment

BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT 1909 – SECT 48 – Dishonour by non-acceptance and its consequences

BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT 1909 – SECT 36 – Negotiation of bill

BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT 1909 – SECT 93 – Presentment of note for payment

BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT 1909 – SECT 89 – Promissory note defined

BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT 1909 – SECT 68 – Cancellation

BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT 1909 – SECT 26 – Delivery

BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT 1909 – SECT 25 – Inchoate instruments

BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT 1909 – SECT 22 – Definition and requisites of acceptance

BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT 1909 – SECT 24 – General and qualified acceptances

BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT 1909 – SECT 08 – Bills of Exchange defined

BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT 1909 – SECT 35 – Presumption of good value and faith