Fee Schedule

Fee Schedule – This Notice / Affidavit is free.

This Prima Facie notice/evidence is free, and further correspondence from Corporate Government Employees/Agents, demanding money with menace and threat with enforcement will attract Fees/Charges/Invoice for the administration action by the Benefactor and its Agents when required to respond to your correspondence nonsense.

Refer following fee schedule:

$5,000 per notice/correspondence, and

$5,000 per court paperwork, and

$10,000 per Limited Special Appearance in court, and

$10,000,000 per Unauthorised/Non Consensual use, Copyright of Name & Fee Schedule Attached.

An invoice will follow with every reply correspondence that is received to administer this settled and closed matter.

More forms in the category "Failure to Settle & Contract Violation"

Challenge Judicial Authority – Who is the addressee being billed

The “Challenge Judicial Authority” form is designed to clarify and document the specific individual or entity being billed in legal proceedings, particularly in instances where the service provider is addressing a straw man. This challenge formally requests the addressee to provide proof of authority regarding claims made, especially concerning the enforcement of capital punishment for non-payment of an alleged debt.

Council Rate Challenge – Who is the addressee being billed

The “Challenge Judicial Authority” form is used to question the legitimacy of claims made by entities like councils regarding billing for rates or fees. This challenge seeks to clarify who is being billed and demands evidence of authority to impose such charges. It ensures that the addressee can validate their claims and that all financial obligations are enforced within the bounds of legal authority.

LIP Rejection – Universal Notice to Evil Doers

NEW TEMPLATE for the Warrior in you. If you couldn't be bothered with the pesty/annoying series of Reply/Rebut Notices GOVCORP persists with, use this Template. This is to set them up for a Trespass Civil Claim for Damages. This is your first and only warning to them....

Notice of Failure to Honour Bill of Exchange

Use this form whenever you need to point out they are not honouring their Fiduciary Duties. It is a universal rebuttal notice so can be used multiple times as an answer to GOVCORP pushback correspondences.  The GOVCORP letters received, you mark with a big Z to cancel...