Use this form whenever you need to point out they are not honouring their Fiduciary Duties. It is a universal rebuttal notice so can be used multiple times as an answer to GOVCORP pushback correspondences.
The GOVCORP letters received, you mark with a big Z to cancel out the whole page and write the following on it:
Addressee is a deceased estate trust account.
Void Ab Initio.
Do not consent.
Do not Accept.
Waive all benefits on offer.
Refer to Bills of Exchange Act 1909 s68
How to use this form
Kindly complete the form below, adhering closely to the instructions provided for each field to ensure accuracy. Once finished, submit it, and you will receive an email with a PDF attachment containing the completed form. Print the required number of copies, autograph / sign them, or arrange for autographs/ signatures, and dispatch them via registered post for optimal processing.