Traffic Infringement Notice

by | Jan 25, 2023 | Case Studies

This is another approach to show you how such processes work and will tell about the success of using this methods.  This information is for educational purpose only.


Step 1 – Traffic Infringement Received

I received this traffic infringement issued on the 6th Nov 2023 and decided to do a BoE on this.

Traffic Infringement Notice as BoE

Click on image to enlarge

Following the process a BoE was issued and sent to the C.E.O. of the Infringement Management & Operations together with the following letter via registered mail: BoE Acceptance Cover Letter 1 – Authority to Process Bill of Exchange

Step 2 – Reply letter from Infringement Management & Operations

On the 24th Nov 2023 I received the following letter issued on the 20th Nov 2023 as response to my BoE.

Click on image to enlarge

Re: Traffic Infringement Notice xvxvxvxvxv

Thank you for your correspondence receieved on 15th Nov 2023.

Please be advised, a Traffic Infringement Notice is not an account, bill or offer, but a fine for an offence against the law. The law requires the payment on or before the given due date.

If you disagree with the Infringement Notice, you have the option of electing to have the matter heard in court.

Enclosed is a duplicate copy of your Infringement Notice, please ensure that the matter is finalised by the way of payment OR court election by the dure date of 11/12/2023.

Should similar correspondence be received, the matter will be left to procceed without further intervention.

I trust this clarifies the situation for you.

Yours sincerely….

Please notice: The letter to me has no signature and the names are all in capital letters. They are not a signatory person with clean hands and they are at risk of perjury. (see Fines Acty…..)

Reply on the 7th December 2023: I am sending a follow up letter using the

BoE Acceptance Cover Letter 1 – No Bill to Return to Sender

using this form to send to the biller where there is no bill to accompany it. Acts as an extra reply letter where there is no bill and a reply is required to rebut the billers threatening letter.
You can also use this as an additional rebuttal letter between each step of the BoE series.

This letter is sent via registered mail.

Step 3 – Received a Final Demand Notice

2023-12-25 Final Demand Notice web version

Click on image to enlarge

I received a Final Demand Notice with added fees on top.

My response

I sent them a Promissory Note (Why $50 is all you pay) via registered mail on the 29th Jan 2024. Settlement Date: Fr 09-02-2024 at 9am