Notice of Pending Law Suit

Notice of Pending Law Suit

Use this letter if the GovCorp is still persisiting with pushback (not excepting your Bill of Exchange). Be ready to take the step of making a statement of claim, tort suit, civil claim for damages under trespass common law in the supreme court.  How to use this...

What is a Bill of Exchange (BoE)?

What is a Bill of Exchange (BoE)? Imagine a situation where a buyer wants to purchase goods or property from a seller but plans to pay either in full or after six months. In such a scenario, the agreement for this purchase solely involves the buyer and the seller. The...

Bill of Exchange

Hi Michael, Maybe useful to include a glossary of terms in instruction section. For those who are a little less savvy. example BoE = Bill of Exchange. In  item 4. Is the term meant to be...