Commonwealth Consolidated Acts

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Bill of exchange defined

  1. A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person, or to bearer.
  2. An instrument which does not comply with these conditions, or which orders any act to be done in addition to the payment of money, is not a bill of exchange.
  3. An order to pay out of a particular fund is not unconditional within the meaning of this section; but an unqualified order to pay, coupled with:
    1.  an indication of a particular fund out of which the drawee is to re-imburse himself or herself, or a particular account to be debited with the amount; or
    2. a statement of the transaction which gives rise to the bill; is unconditional.
  4. A bill is not invalid by reason:
    1. that it is not dated;
    2. that it does not specify the value given, or that any value has been given therefor; or
    3. that it does not specify the place where it is drawn, or the place where it is payable.

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More forms in the category "Bill of Exchange (BoE)"

Null and Void Contracts

EVERY document bearing your wet ink signature/autograph is a contract instrument. If you are "acting" in joinder to a dead legal person, it is a "legal" Admiralty Maritime contract, with a "signature", made in your "public capacity". If you are "doing" as a living man...

Rebuttal of rejected BoE using Act References

Use this letter if you have been unsuccessful with your BoEs to remind them of their fiduciary repsonabilities and ask specific questions to trigger them to act in their fiduciary duties. Ask for information that you need to hand this to the litigation department.How...

Refusal to Discharge Debt with Bill of Exchange

BILLS OF EXCHANGE ACT 1909 - SECT 47 Non - acceptance When a bill is duly presented for acceptance and is not accepted within the customary time, the person presenting it must treat it as dishonoured by non - acceptance. If the person does not, the holder shall lose...

The 3 step notices

Educate yourself with the help of this excellent manual written by Brad Tipton, called "How-to-use-QUANTUM-GRAMMAR-to-remove-ANY-Debt"

The UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) and Bill of Exchange

The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is a set of laws that govern various commercial transactions, including negotiable instruments like promissory notes and checks. Under UCC Article 3, a person who possesses a negotiable instrument may take certain actions to ensure...

Unmasking DOG-LATIN – The Deceptive Language

DOG-LATIN, often dismissed as a mere linguistic game, reveals itself as a deceptive language with hidden complexity upon closer examination. Initially perceived as a simple rearrangement of English words, DOG-LATIN cunningly disguises its true nature through systematic alterations. By shifting syllables and adding suffixes, it crafts a facade of familiarity while obscuring comprehension for the uninitiated. However, beneath its playful exterior lies a nuanced structure, offering insight into linguistic manipulation and the power of perception. Unmasking DOG-LATIN unveils not only its linguistic intricacies but also the broader implications of deception within communication.

Unsigned letters won’t hold up in court

Unsigned letters etc wont hold in court, the letter is VOID AB INITIO. I used to spend hours rebutting those letters, now i don't bother. You have to reply but this is what I do if you are game... 1. Big Z the whole page keeping the very top and bottom print cut...

What is Equity?

Equity sees that as done what ought to be done. Equity will not suffer a wrong to be without a remedy. Equity delights in equality. One who seeks equity must do equity. Equity aids the vigilant, not those who slumber on their rights. Equity imputes an intent to...