If stopped…. and they ask for name, make sure they id themselves first. Full name, rank, dept, physical address of work place to send a tort suit.
Then provide them your as first family of surname. If they call you Mr, Mrs, Miss correct them, that isn’t your name and repeat your living name.
They will ask for your address…
I reside at……address.
Once established you are a living soul named entity and are a residence, (not an owner because you are not, their public trust owns the property), all they hear from your lips is the following….
I do not answer questions as instructed by my litigation lawyer.
Repeat repeat repeat. No matter what they ask as a question, give them nothing else for an answer.
If they arrest you, kidnap, false incarceration remember, the more trespass harm they do, the bigger the suit is.
This works for non RRDJ members as well.