Michael is having a conversation with someone interested in the Royal Registry, asking a variety of intriguing questions. If you’d like to learn more about the Royal Registry, please watch this presentation from July 2024.
- BoE cannot be used to buy an item, only to discharge pre-existing debts
- A Surname is an assumed Name
- Form 206 – Evidence of Life
- Australian case law precedents demonstrating dishonourable conduct of local councils regarding the non-acceptance of bills of exchange
- Bill of Exchange – Rebuttal Questions
- Brunson Case in US will impact Australia as well
- Licensing & Registration enforced by LEGAL BAR ASSOCIATION
- How to Draft and Endorse a Bill of Exchange: Compliance with UCC and the Australian Bill of Exchange Act
- Unconscionable Conduct and Bills of Exchange: Lessons from Commercial Bank of Australia v. Amadio
- Income tax is voluntary in Australia
- The relationship between a natural person and state statue
- A Dance of Shadows and Light
- The Wizard of Oz Symbolism
- The UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) and Bill of Exchange
- How to pay with a Promissory Note
- The promissory note you sign has the same value as CASH
- Promissory Note – How it works
- How creditors might respond to a Bill of Exchange or Promissory Note
- Lawcodes (NSW)
- What is Equity?
- Australian Human Rights Commission – Right to self determination
- Unmasking DOG-LATIN – The Deceptive Language
- Unsigned letters won’t hold up in court
- Commonwealth Consolidated Acts
- How to make an Autograph
- Null and Void Contracts
- Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 & 1707 – AGE OF MAJORITY ACT 1974
- The 3 step notices
- What is a Bill of Exchange (BoE)?
- Instructions for Bill of Exchange Remittance Series of Reply Letters