Glossary Term: "Ecclesiastical"

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Is an adjective that refers to the Christian church or clergy. It can also refer to things that are appropriate for or related to use in a church, such as architecture or robes. Additionally, it can refer to the organization or government of the church, and is not secular.
For those who know… the RRDJ Seal comes from Sir John Walsh who was granted the seal from the Arch Bishop of Canterbury many decades ago in the Abby when he sat on the UK Supreme High Court. In those days a judge of his standing was old school constitutional and not GOVCORP appointed.
For the rest of your life, you have Prima Facie Evidence that you are a living sole, Royal Subject, Sui Juris Man and not a STRAW as GOVCORP claim.
This also means you are the Beneficiary of the CQV Trust they have been hiding from you.
No more obligated to do as GOVCORP dictates (enslavered) nor bound by their Statutes unless you consent to their SURNAME TRUST ACCOUNT.
Learn the power you have now with the RRDJ Certificate and Private Family Crest Trust.

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