Commonwealth Consolidated Acts

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Bill of exchange defined

  1. A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person, or to bearer.
  2. An instrument which does not comply with these conditions, or which orders any act to be done in addition to the payment of money, is not a bill of exchange.
  3. An order to pay out of a particular fund is not unconditional within the meaning of this section; but an unqualified order to pay, coupled with:
    1.  an indication of a particular fund out of which the drawee is to re-imburse himself or herself, or a particular account to be debited with the amount; or
    2. a statement of the transaction which gives rise to the bill; is unconditional.
  4. A bill is not invalid by reason:
    1. that it is not dated;
    2. that it does not specify the value given, or that any value has been given therefor; or
    3. that it does not specify the place where it is drawn, or the place where it is payable.

More forms in the category "Bill of Exchange (BoE)"

A Surname is an assumed Name

A justice Magistrate said last week that the surname was an assumed name and that we assume it from our father, I said, is there anywhere on the CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH where I have assumed the surname, he said no but that's what we do! … I said, did I assume it and can...

Bill of Exchange – Rebuttal Questions

Below is a list of rebuttal questions tailored to challenge the claims made by corporations in relation to the Bill of Exchange Act 1909 (Cth) and related statements. These questions aim to create an environment for constructive discussion about the legitimacy of the...

BoE Acceptance Cover Letter 1 – No Bill to Return to Sender

Use this form to send to biller where there is no bill to accompany it. Acts as an extra reply letter where there is no bill and a reply is required to rebut the billers threatening letter. You can use this as an additional rebuttal letter between each step of the BoE...

BoE Future Express Trust Contract Offers (For RRdJ Members)

This is an Express Trust Contract Offer to discharge the positive due amount as shown. You direct them to settle and discharge all due amounts by accepting the endorsed Bill of Exchange Endorsement, delivered and Accepted as per Terms & Conditions of Bills of...

BoE Rejection – Who is the addressee being billed

What is addressed in this letter? This letter serves as a formal notice to a corporation and its representative regarding an alleged debt or claim. The sender, identified as the Executor of their estate, is requesting proof of claim and specific legal documentation....

BoE Rejection Letter 2 – Notice of Default & Opportunity to Cure

Use this Letter as step two after you have sent a Cover Letter / conditional acceptance. The purpose of this notice is to ensure that the biller has not performed their fiduciary duties accordingly.How to use this form Kindly complete the form below, adhering closely...

BoE Rejection Letter 4 – Notice of Pending Law Suit

Use this letter if the previous 3 letters did not have an effect and GovCorp is still persisiting with pushback (not accepting your Bill of Exchange). Be ready to take the step of making a statement of claim, tort suit, civil claim for damages under trespass common...