Royal Registry de jure

Royal Registry de Jure
Information Corner

Water cut off threat

Does same apply with water bills, as they now threaten to put caveat on home if I don’t pay them?

yes… your trust belongs to their registry not ours… so your trust must comply with the rules  of their registry..

It’s called Trust  Law and it’s the same throughout the world… The objective of your registration is to now have assets accumulated in your living name and same for your children… also your rights are automatically reinstated … so going forward you’re safe,,, but that which belongs to the trust must obey the trust..

More FAQ’s

Applications to join the Royal Registry de Jure

You need to be registered with the Royal Registry before you can bring all your assets into your RRdJ Record Office. Please find all applications together with associated costs underneath.

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You and the Royal Registry de Jure

Find answers to commonly asked questions about what the RRdJ is, what it does and how it situates you in this world.

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Banking with Royal Registry de Jure

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Vehicles registere in Royal Registry de Jure

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Real Estate registered in Royal Registry de Jure

It’s in progress now: I am currently handling a residential property, a commercial property purchase, and soon a produce farming property.

As soon as precedent is made, it will be full steam ahead for everyone.

Every member should have all STRAW property taken away and placed into their RR de Jure Name, leaving the real estate for last.

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Trading with other members in Royal Registry de Jure

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General Educational Tidbits

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Stewards for the Royal Registry de Jure

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