Royal Registry de jure

Royal Registry de Jure
Information Corner

How is the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 ours when no one is honouring it?

Read it and draw your own conclusion. In law, it is what the Act, which is Royal Assented for the Commonwealth, says.

The ‘Preamble’ states that we, the people, are the Commonwealth, all united as one, protected by the Royal Crown and Common Law of England. We, the people on the land, not the persons, are the superior jurisdiction above all others as God’s creations—men and women—on the land (because we are not fish, pirates, nor slaves to corporations operating in maritime law = UCC).

The Preamble is for we, the people, placed in the highest authority as assented, ordered by the Royal Crown. The rest of it is the operations manual for the civil service who need to follow it to the letter; otherwise, they commit offenses against we, the people, and treason against the Royal Crown.

Pursuant to the Crimes Act 1914 Cth section 13 and 8, it proves the power we have above all non-Commonwealth and Commonwealth servants.

What we have today is corruption, fraud, treason, mass murder, and genocide going feral without accountability because the blueline doesn’t exist. The police are not ours; they are State Government thugs, militia, road pirates, policy enforcers. Refer to Crown Proceedings Act 1958 s23.

More FAQ’s

Applications to join the Royal Registry de Jure

You need to be registered with the Royal Registry before you can bring all your assets into your RRdJ Record Office. Please find all applications together with associated costs underneath.

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You and the Royal Registry de Jure

Find answers to commonly asked questions about what the RRdJ is, what it does and how it situates you in this world.

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Banking with Royal Registry de Jure

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Vehicles registere in Royal Registry de Jure

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Real Estate registered in Royal Registry de Jure

It’s in progress now: I am currently handling a residential property, a commercial property purchase, and soon a produce farming property.

As soon as precedent is made, it will be full steam ahead for everyone.

Every member should have all STRAW property taken away and placed into their RR de Jure Name, leaving the real estate for last.

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Trading with other members in Royal Registry de Jure

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General Educational Tidbits

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Stewards for the Royal Registry de Jure

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