Can you think of a way to utilise the PN so that every case is a Litigation matter. They did default on the settlement day and they persist with demanding money with menace ignoring s48 of the BoE & UCC3-603. If a simple claim can be made against the non acceptance and their persistent claims of monies still over due afterwards?
We give them a BoE or PN… that should discharge the debt.. so you’re right there.
They ignore and continue sending demands, that’s a trespass but one wonders what if any damages the courts will award so suing might cost more than we get…
If i give a creditor a cheque or request for settlement and they don’t accept then what claim do they have against me… where does it essay in the alleged agreement between them and me that i have to pay them in one manner or another and where do we lose our ability to call for settlement.. that’s the legal issue..
PS we think you’re correct in your view that an offer to pay rejected vitiates the debt.. also is an offer to pay the full amount a CALDER V BANK offer… If yes then suing you for a debt less than 10,000 will cost them money.